5S is a standard tool that is used prior to many continuous improvement efforts that helps you get things organized and gets your associates prepared for larger scale activities. The 5S breakdown goes like this:
Japanese English Translation
Seiri Sort
Seiton Set or Stabilize (a place for everything)
Seiso Shine (clean)
Seiketsu Standardize
Shitsuke Sustain (discipline)
First you start off by sorting the work area and eliminate anything that is not needed. If it is something needed but not used often it may be relocated to a storage area. Tag items that are not needed with a red tag and have a red tag hold area where these items can be reviewed before disposing.
Secondly set everything in a proper location, or a place for everything and everything in its place. this makes things easier for associates to find when they need it. This is also a useful tool for office areas as well.
Third is a very thorough cleaning of the area. At this point only needed items should be in the area and cleaning should be easy.
Fourth create written standards on how the area should be maintained and cleaned. Clear expectations and checksheets remove any question or room for error. Make sure these are audited regularly. You have also set a new standard for all other areas to follow.
Lastly is sustain or the discipline to follow thru. This tends to be the area where most companies fail. They make progress and expect is to last without follow-up or management involvement. Human nature tends to let things go if they are not monitored closely.
Japanese English Translation
Seiri Sort
Seiton Set or Stabilize (a place for everything)
Seiso Shine (clean)
Seiketsu Standardize
Shitsuke Sustain (discipline)
First you start off by sorting the work area and eliminate anything that is not needed. If it is something needed but not used often it may be relocated to a storage area. Tag items that are not needed with a red tag and have a red tag hold area where these items can be reviewed before disposing.
Secondly set everything in a proper location, or a place for everything and everything in its place. this makes things easier for associates to find when they need it. This is also a useful tool for office areas as well.
Third is a very thorough cleaning of the area. At this point only needed items should be in the area and cleaning should be easy.
Fourth create written standards on how the area should be maintained and cleaned. Clear expectations and checksheets remove any question or room for error. Make sure these are audited regularly. You have also set a new standard for all other areas to follow.
Lastly is sustain or the discipline to follow thru. This tends to be the area where most companies fail. They make progress and expect is to last without follow-up or management involvement. Human nature tends to let things go if they are not monitored closely.